Plastic bottles are embedded in the carbonated beverage industry because they are both cheap and effective. From a business standpoint, they have been the economically logical choice but have had detrimental effects on our ecosystem.
Companies like Coca-Cola, Absolut, and Carlsberg have teamed up with a Danish firm known as The Paper Bottle Company, or Paboco, to make the shift towards paper bottles. Paboco has spent 7 years developing the a paper bottle that can withstand the forces exerted by #fizzy drinks such as cola and beer, which are bottled under pressure.
The firm is now ready to host a trial in Hungary this summer of Coca-Cola’s fruit drink Adez. Initially, this will involve 2,000 bottles distributed via a local retail chain. Absolut, the vodka-maker, is due to test 2,000 paper bottles of it own in the UK and Sweden of its pre-mixed, carbonated raspberry drink. These will be the first real world trial’s of this technology, and this is the only way they can determine whether this new vessel can handle the rough and tumble of the logistics of food transport.
The paper bottle is likely to be used in added-value niche applications at the start, but this is a good step towards the overall goal of zero single use plastic.
How long do you think it will take before paper bottles will be the new normal?