When #hopping for home appliances like refrigerators or dishwashers, we have to agree that one of the biggest driving factors is the unit’s energy efficiency rating. Even if a unit may be on the expensive side, consumers are likely to make the purchase if they feel that the appliance will cut down on their monthly electric bills.
I read through this eye-opening article from WIRED, that point in the direction that we have once again been duped by major retails brands. The ‘A++’ rating on the front sticker of your appliance only refers to its current performance, which in reality drops down to a much lower rating like ‘E’ after usage of a week. Conveniently hidden away in the information packets of the appliances you will find the actual rating and consumption of your unit after a period of usage.
There is good news for those of you who haven’t made the purchase yet. The EC’s updated guidance also advises that while your A+++ rated appliance will soon lose its market-leading rating, retailers have 14 days from 1 March to ensure scaled labels are displayed. This means if you have recently bought or are buying a new appliance next month, you’re unlikely to be aware of your appliances’ downgraded rating, unless you dig around in the packaging and find a second label, which the EC mandated must be included with appliances shipped from 1 November 2020.
It seems to be a recurring issue that retail tech and appliance companies are misleading us to believe that many of their decisions are eco-friendly.
What are your impressions on this issue?